Xbox to get a Dolby Vision Upgrade
Written by John Rudol
An update has recently been rolled out to the Insider program’s Alpha ring with
the rollout of the Dolby Vision upgrade, which is reported to only be on a few titles but is in full test mode now.
Dolby's website claims that Dolby Vision gives you "the most realistic and life-like visuals" a game has to offer.
Microsoft promised in September of last year that it would add support for Dolby gaming (Atmos and Vision).

The games included in the test according to Forbes are Borderlands 3, Gears 5, Halo: Master Chief Collection, and Wreckfest.
Dolby Vision offers you better brightness, contrast, colour, and depth to graphics on current-gen Xbox consoles, according to Dolby. The company says its visual tech "goes beyond traditional HDR games".
As earlier stated, it's only available if you're in the Insider program, but I don't think it will be long before it's rolled out to everyone who owns an Xbox Series X/S.
I'm unsure as to how it works if you don't have a compatible screen, though my guess is that it will just play games normally with your screen’s default HDR format.
Are you excited to see what Dolby Vision has to offer? Let us know in the comments section below.
Thanks for reading.

I wish this app was free through but yeah i will eventually give it a try. Is the app a montly fee or 1 time paiement?