Welcome again to another Chapter of Fortnite. I will assume that most people here know what Fortnite is, but for those who don’t, Fortnite is a battle royale game. 1 man/ team wins it all. Fortnite is a pretty old game now it has seen quite a lot of changes and chapter 3 is no different.
What is new?
What is new is a broad question because everything has changed. Epic Games has created another map for the Fortnite world. Each chapter generally means a new map as Chapter 2 also brought a new map for everyone to experience. Inside the new map, we see new POI (points of interest) and returns of some favourites. We welcome back places like Shifty Shafts and Greasy Grove, POIs which were irradicated back in chapter 1 and we also see some new POIs such as Camp Cuddle and Sanctuary. We also see the Daily Bugle make an appearance from the Marvels Spiderman. The Daily Bugle was the newspaper company inside of spiderman in which Peter Parker, Spiderman, would take photos of Spiderman and allow J Johan Jamerson, creator of the Daily Bugle, to publish them.

We also see a return of some much beloved vehicles, the Quad Crasher and Shopping Cart. The Quad crasher is an ATV type vehicle that has boosters on the back. With the boosters, you can send yourself flying into the air and land right on top of the enemies. The Shopping cart is a vehicle where you actually need to push the vehicle like it’s a shopping cart, hence the name. It's always good fun coming back to little small vehicles like this as this was actually the first vehicle Fortnite ever put inside the game!
We also see a whole new selection of weapons. A lot of the weapons are “re-skins” of older weapons, for example, the ranger Assault rifle is just like the old heavy assault rifle. and the stinger SMG is just the Tac-SMG from older seasons but with a new look. However, there is 1 key new weapon. The MK7 Assault rifle. The MK7 allows you to actually aim down the sights with a red dot sight on the end. This creates the weapon to be based more on your aim than bloom (which for me has always been a massive issue with the game, dealing with bloom). It may be like the scoped AR that used to be in the game but with the faster fire rate and some kind of recoil, it’s a good change and a great weapon.
The Slide
So now for the most controversial new mechanic, Epic Games has added... Sliding. Sliding has been in many big games, most commonly found in Apex Legends and Call of Duty. Sliding in Fortnite is cool but at the same time very weird. In my opinion, I do not think it is well done. Your FOV changes and the slide feels very “clunky”. It’s a good addition to get down a mountain at speed, however, I have never found myself saying “Fortnite needs to add sliding to the game”. Fortnite is a very mechanically challenged game where there are many factors to take into consideration every second. You have building, shooting, vehicles, and everyone else to worry about every second. Adding a new mechanic is great to keep a game fresh but I do think that it isn't well done.

Is the game still fun?
As someone who stopped playing Fortnite for a long time, I re-installed the game and actually had fun. I just loaded in and hot dropped straight down. It took me a few games to get back up to speed but just playing the game again, I remembered why it got to the peaks it did. the building, the gunplay, just everything inside the game is just great. I found myself inside a car running people over gaining a great triple kill. There is just something for everyone. You have the PVE in-between battles, you can fish. There is just always something to do and all of this is inside a battle royale! It is astonishing how Epic Games have managed to keep a battle royale this fresh with additions in which mean so little but just work. As a company, I think they really have mastered the art of pulling players back into the game, young and old alike.

What is the new Battle Pass like?
The new battle pass seems interesting. The starting skin is a fine addition to the huge number of skins there are in the game. Like the previous battle passes, doing challenges unlocks more cosmetics for the first battle pass skin. Along the way you get a few cool skins, my favourite being Ronin who looks like a modern-day mercenary. The final 2 skins are a normal spiderman and a venom-infused spiderman which plays along the theme of Marvel’s Spiderman.

Final Words on Chapter 3
I think chapter 3 is a nice new refreshment for Fortnite and I believe it was much needed. It is just a massive quality of life chapter, there to really hook you back in. Fortnite is one of those games that gets a lot of hate due to the player base but when you’re dipping in and out of the game like I have been doing the past year, it can be some good fun. I think chapter 3 is going to do well and we can see it in the future. So, jump off that battle bus (don’t forget to thank the bus driver), get materials, and go win a game!
Thank you for your time,
Reece Nyiro-King
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