"The Adventures of Captain Blood" - Russian God of War who never got out of the production hell... (Russian guy)
So, what kind of game is this? The Adventures of Captain Blood is a computer game in the hack and slash genre, developed by 1C: Sea Wolf studio.

In fact, the development path of the game is much longer and longer! "The Adventures of Captain Blood" was developed by Akella for PC and Xbox 360, but in 2010 the game disappeared from the radar. If you believe the rumors, there were two reasons for the cancellation — first, the publisher could not get an age rating, and then the sysadmin deleted the source code of the project.
The Western publisher of the game was Playlogic Entertainment. And when there were problems with the development, the publisher sent his man to bring everything into working order. But it didn't help, and the rights to the game and the development studio were bought by 1C Entertainment. The developers were renamed "1C: Sea Wolf" and they tried to continue developing the game. But this was hindered by not effective 1C managers and constant staff turnover from the developer studio.
The concept of the game was rewritten more than once, but in the end, the final script was formed!
"The main character, Captain Blood, and his friend Walt are having a drink in the Port Royal tavern when suddenly the Spaniards attack the city. Having repulsed the attack, the protagonists capture one of the enemy's ships and find there a military adviser to England.
He says that he sailed with his daughter through the Caribbean archipelago, and their ship was attacked by pirates under the command of a certain Easterling. The daughter was kidnapped, the crew was killed, the adviser himself was seriously wounded in battle and left to die on board a sinking ship. However, he did not have time to die — he was picked up and captured by the Spaniards."
The combat in the game is quite primitive, you have a weak blow and a strong blow. But there is also a simple menu of improvements that gives you certain skills. But you won't know what you're taking until you buy an upgrade.

The gameplay is divided into three components: the land part, the QTE, and the sea part. If everything is clear and simple with the land part, then the QTE in the game is too fast and it is very easy to miss the timing. Sometimes, when fighting with the boss, a QTE scene begins and if you missed at least one click, then be kind enough to start the whole fight from the beginning.

Naval battles here are not at all like in Assassin's Creed: Black Flag! There are three of them in total and you will not be allowed to control the ship in anyone. All you need is to run from cannon to cannon and shoot enemy ships, while periodically your ship will be boarded. And then you will have to quickly deal with them in close combat. And then run from cannon to cannon again. That's the whole marine gameplay!

As a result, everyone had already forgotten about the game and it was believed that it was lost forever.
However, recently an anonymous friend of the developers from the 1C: Sea Wolf studio, who worked on the game, was able to get a working build that was supposed to go to print. He gave the Russian edition of "DTF" the final version of the game for review. And after they released a review of the game, a good Samaritan who remained anonymous leaked a working version (developed on the StormEngine 3.0 engine) of the game to torrent. The game is completely finished and it can be completed first and to the end. The game has a Russian interface and voice acting by default. However, subtitles can be included in the files at least in English or Polish…

Summing up, we can say that having released "The Adventures of Captain Blood" at one time, she would have received her fans and would have looked no worse, and maybe even better than some representatives of that time. But now it is only available on torrent for a small circle of people who know how to use this illegal method!
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