There are many things that have been said about Bioware’s epic space soap opera. All of these things can be summed up in a single word: groundbreaking. I would like to share my perspective with the series since its inception. When I picked up the first title in the series it was an Xbox 360 exclusive. I had no idea what to expect. Little did I know that the Mass Effect Series would become my favorite video game franchise of all time.
Back when I tried the first game, it was an experience like no other, and looking back on it now it might not seem the most impressive. However, its impact on gaming as a whole cannot be understated and it was an excellent start to one of the most beloved worlds (or universes, more accurately) in gaming. The setting and characters created memories that will stay with me forever. The original Mass Effect was one title I could not put down; I would tirelessly create new characters and try to get every possible combination imaginable. Using different builds, backstories, and making different choices to make every story feel unique as well as every Shepard along with it. I logged thousands of hours into the original Mass Effect before we even knew of a sequel.
After the success of the first game, EA picked up Bioware. For a time, things were great with Mass Effect 2's launch turning into an incredible success even on multiple platforms. The game knocked it out of the park in every aspect and built on the original in the best possible way. More unforgettable characters and beloved faces like Liara, Garrus, and Tali also made a return. The story went much deeper this time around and felt less hollow than the original, giving you much more difficult choices. Combat was polished to a mirror sheen and more options were available when customizing your armor and load-outs. The best part of all was that your story from the first game carried over to the sequel which was nothing short of astonishing. It accomplished this in the form of massive story elements or smaller ones such as cameos and email messages, but your impact was felt all the same. Taking all of this into consideration, it is little wonder why Mass Effect 2 is considered to be the best in the series and I will never argue with someone for saying so even though it is not my personal favorite.

Emotions and expectations were high on what would come next, and they delivered in Mass Effect 3 with the culmination of your personal Shepard's story. Combat was also once again polished adding more mobility, weapons, and newer customization options. However, what impacted me most was the story. This was the last leg of this incredible journey spanning 3 games. Your goal to unite friends and foes to face a common enemy was something that gave you goosebumps every step of the way. Choices from the first game still had an impact on the story in the third installment even if they were present in the second. Even though the ending was filled with controversy, which Bioware addressed, it didn’t bother me since they needed the endings to bring a definitive close to the story. Mass Effect 3 is my personal favorite as it was the endgame of everything you have been fighting for in the previous entries and the stakes were at their highest.
The Mass Effect Series is now getting a remaster to make the original games look and feel better than ever before as well as a new sequel. It is a great opportunity for those who haven’t tried the series out yet to experience what they have been missing out on. With the failures of other Bioware titles like Anthem and Andromeda, EA has decided to allow its studios the freedom to make the games they want. It may be sad that Anthem Next will never see the light of day, but if that means that the next Mass Effect will raise the bar to anything the series has seen yet, the sacrifice won’t be in vain. The future is indeed looking much brighter for Mass Effect.
Written by: Gilberto Cortes
