Xbox has been revolutionizing the industry since the first console launched back in 2001. It popularized asymmetric thumb sticks and added triggers. Started Xbox live, added internal hard drives and had games that dared to push the industry forward. Once the Xbox 360 came around, it showed us that Xbox was just getting started.
The newest console had what is considered by some as the greatest controller of all time, improved on Xbox live in every possible way, introduced avatars and most importantly achievements. Achievements provided players a new reason to put more time into their games after the first time you see the credits. It gave us new challenges and new ways to play and is something that the Xbox community holds dear to this day. Some were way too easy and others were impossible but the effect was addicting and many achievement hunters were born.
In my own personal experience, I was the kind of person that just went through the experience on easy or normal and once I finished the game, I called it a day. I didn’t care for collectables or challenging myself since there was nothing to gain for the struggle, at least for me. However, since the birth of achievements, I push myself to play games on the hardest difficulty and to improve my level of play by completing the challenges it provides.
Due to the success of achievements, other platforms took to doing the same. Most famously, the PlayStation trophies. Trophies introduced an alternative. They went with trophy collection of Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum where Xbox went for accumulative points. There are many fans of both versions but for better or for worse, the Platinum trophies push gamers to that 100% completion where the achievements do not. This left many players wanting something new to be implemented to give us that sense of completion. A badge of honor if you will.
Xbox has made a few updates to achievements over the years like specific art for the achievements you unlock and rare achievements which has the most satisfying sound cue you will ever here. However, this has not been enough to satiate the gamers rabid for something visible to prove they got that illusive 100%. I for one appreciate achievements as they are. They let you accumulate points and not force you to only care about a platinum trophy which requires you to do everything. By accumulating points, every achievement is important and not just the final one you unlock.
Perhaps the time may come sooner than later when Xbox provides game specific badges with their own artwork or icon for completing a game at 100% so you may display it on your profile card or maybe ultra-rare achievements that only unlock after getting that 100%. Time will tell when that change will come and what it is. One thing is certain; the birth of achievements has permanently enhanced the gaming experience and its ripple effect is felt across the industry to this day.
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Gilberto Cortes
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