To start with, you’ll need gamepass, and the ability to download games. Obviously.
You’ll need to have the following installed;
The Procession To Calvary
Gang Beasts
Space warlord organ trading simulator
YuGiOh Master Duel
Kill it with fire.
All of these are incredibly small and honestly could even be downloaded in that half an hour.
Starting with the slowest -
The Procession to Calvary
Once you start the game, run all the way to the right, die.
Restart, see the bishop bent over praying? Use the action button on his rear end a few times.
Then go about stabbing your way through to the church.
Once in there, pet the lion on the floor, use action on one of the bishops guarding the door 7 times, then make your way through to Peter. This is the quickest run through, and the bad ending, but will net you 230 gamerscore across 6 achievements.
This game is easy, and if you want, you can go back and earn the full 1K very easily
First thing you’ll want to do is power through the games objectives until you have some coin and can buy a new lens and a filter. Buy them both and equip them. This should of taken you to the boardwalk location.
With both the lens and filter equipped, take 20 selfies with human robots, and save them as your favourites. Now take 20 of the sky. Now 10 of anything jumping. Once you’re out of film, spam the trigger at least 10 more times.
That’s another 6 achievements totalling 325 gamerscore. You could continue to try and earn the full 1k but I wouldn’t recommend it, it’s a grind, and the game is broken with a bug making it unplayable after a certain point if you quit, so no point.
Now onto YuGiOh Master Duel - even if you don’t like card games, just skip the tutorial, enter your name, boom, 45 gamerscore right there. No need to touch it again.
Space warlord organ trading simulator
Just start up a game and fill out 9 orders, very easy to do, and in the process, you’ll unlock some reputation points, the only thing you have to do is periodically go into your inventory and poke at least 10 different organs. This is quick, very simple and will net you 3 achievements for 200 gamerscore.
Gang Beasts
Boot up the game, go straight to customise, once loaded hit save. 25g’s right there. Done.
Once loaded in, just hammer the A button while zooming around the map, but make sure you go up to the max height first, then go all around, anywhere, this will net you a minimum of 300 gamerscore for 3 achievements; for 100 blocks, 1000 blocks and reaching the highest point, but could be more depending on block positioning, for example, inspiring, another achievement worth 100, for building a house with a spire, which will likely happen by accident during the spree.
Do the tutorial. That’s it. 80 gamerscore right there.
Kill It With Fire
On the first level, as soon as you’re in, smack the piano keys with your clipboard. This will get you a cheeky 10 gamerscore. Continue until you get the revolver and try to keep a spider alive. Get as far away from the spider as possible, I did mine from the bathroom to the front door, shoot the spider with the revolver for ‘from downtown’ - worth 40 gamerscore.
That’s it. All of these games can easily feed your gamerscore higher if you dedicate a little time, some are harder than others, but all in all, this is a quickly easy boost that can be done before a game of warzone is finished.
George Shine
A Nerdy Dwarf
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