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Elden Ring Review (in-progress) from a non-soul's fan

Writer: thegman6588thegman6588

I have put around a dozen hours so far into Elden Ring and wanted to give a quick review in progress for those casual people that aren't into Souls games but are thinking about jumping onto the hype train. A full review will come out once I finish the game with a final score, but I felt with how massive this game is a quick look-through was necessary.

(image provided by Dylan Dover)

I will say this for all the Souls non-fans out there. This is a Souls game through and through so if you despise this genre, you may want to look the other way. This game does not hold your hand at all. You are dropped into this massive world and you set out and explore to create your own adventure. You get your choice of class and can customize your character. The character models are dated so there is only so much you can get out of the character creation which isn't great. However, in saying this, you will be donning armor most of the time and will rarely see your character. The class type variety was more than I was expecting and allow for a lot of customization in your builds. Even though the characters models aren't the best for the player character the enemies and NPC models are very impressive. A lot of thought went into the designs of these characters and the creativity behind them shines through.

(images provided by Dylan Dover)

As for the open-world aspects, this game isn't a graphical showpiece but the visuals are nothing to scoff at. The world is the star of the show here. Some areas are filled with wonder and have that Souls-like style. Most areas are beautiful and artistic. It is also a world that is really fun to explore freely. There is plenty to see and find on your journey and you can get lost or end up in an area you really shouldn’t be in yet. Once you get the mount, getting around is no longer a chore, and finding caves and hidden bosses can be thrilling.

(image provided by Dylan Dover)

I for one am not a fan of the souls like the gameplay but I will say that Elden Ring has been the most enjoyable out of the traditional Dark Souls and Demon Souls games. Everything feels much more polished and smoother and allows you to go toe to toe with monsters even if you aren't at the level you should be. Dodging actually works most of the time once you get the timing down (even though the parry system is still garbage). This game provides you with more tools than ever before so whenever you die it rarely feels like you were cheated, more often you take it as a learning experience if you analyze where you went wrong. You might need to change up your strategy or gear. Maybe you should explore more to find special items or spells and level up your character. Amazingly you actually have a jump button! On the negative side, cooperative play is a complete mess. It should be more straightforward and easy rather than making you jump through hoops. At that point, just leave it a single player which is how I am playing.

When it comes to the difficulty this game may feel easier due to the freedom it allows you, better mobility, and tools to use in combat. Nevertheless, this is a Souls game and it will punish you if you get arrogant. You have to enter every battle as a tactician and analyze your enemies. It's about learning patterns and developing strategies. A lot of the cheapness of the Dark Souls games is still here and beginners' traps are everywhere. As I said before, you need to look at every death as a learning experience and not get frustrated by it. Take your time and move at your own pace. Don’t be afraid of tackling enemies or losing runes. What is lost can be regained after all. The game does not hold your hand so if you are the type that needs that waypoint or some type of guide you may not like this game. It drops you in with no indication of enemy levels or where to go first. You have to carve out your own path which may be daunting for some. You may feel you are doing well only to be decimated seconds later. It will happen often, but that is what these games are about. Overcoming those obstacles and not breezing through the game.

(Video provided by Dylan Dover)

As a non-fan, I can see the addictive nature and allure of Elden Ring. It always keeps you immersed in the world with its atmosphere and music. One aspect that may turn casuals off is the storytelling. It is the classic barebones type of storytelling that these games have. However, Elden Ring does a much better job of telling a coherent story in comparison to other Souls titles which is a step in the right direction. The cinematic moments are there but spread out. Mostly it's you speaking to NPCs in a normal dialog to know what's happening. This is only my opinion not having completed the game so I cannot comment on the story only on how the storytelling format is thus far.

In closing, this game will not be for everyone and this is not a departure from the Souls format. It introduces new things to appeal more to a casual audience but it still may not be enough for some. I will say this, as a non-Souls fan, you owe it to yourself to give Elden Ring a try. It may not be a game of the year in my eyes but there is no mistaking that the classic Souls format has been perfected here. If Elden Ring doesn’t bring you into the genre, probably nothing will.

Gilberto Cortes


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