Halo is quite an iconic Xbox franchise , it has been around since the original Xbox and many people have grown up with it , however this year Halo was on a serious controversy , receiving huge backlash over
Its graphics and visuals , however things went beyond making people upset or mad , as the footage of Craig the brute , became a popular meme on internet
In an interview with Gamespot, Spencer is asked if the former Xbox Series X launch title Halo Infinite could release with a cover that has Craig on the other side, referencing a meme from Halo Infinite reveal from this year. Spencer’s response might be quite shocking and hilarious , as he stated that he and his employees wear Tshirts with Craig’s meme on it
“We actually have these t-shirts, I didn’t wear it today, which is Craig’s face. I love that the team embraced that, it was just so funny. Yeah. I think Craig will be around for many, many decades in the Halo lore. You’ll find his pictures all over the place. Yeah. Probably in games somewhere,” Spencer says, laughing.
Its quite fun and great how Xbox embraced the Memes and are working on the game
Halo Infinite is coming out as a cross-platform game for Xbox One , Xbox Series X/S and Pc , release date is an unspecified month in 2021