Bored of gaming as a whole? Wanting something to play over Christmas? Here is 5 different genres of games with special Christmas events that can spice up your gaming while most of us have that much needed time off during this festive season
Rocket League
Many people have played rocket league already, but even if you haven't, there's not been a better time to start. This year we end with the Frosty Fest event, this season introduces YouTube's famous LoFi girl, with many rewards including music tracks, titles, decals and even headphones for the car, all for free. Changing special modes every week until January 3rd to help boost your skills and hopefully your friend list, there are many more ways to customise your rocket powered battle cars and win those matches! GG!
(Provided by George Shine, XECO dwarf)

Destiny 2
So the events in destiny are probably my least favorite thing about the game. They even came out recently saying they think they are over delivering on some things in terms of content. ( which they kinda are cause we have a TON of new weapons right now to earn and it’s almost to much ) unless you’re a collector then you’ll love it. Anyways….
COOKIES! The dawning event is here and you’re tasked by Eva (Destiny grandma) to bake cookies for all the characters in destiny, and it brings cool winter themed weapons and cosmetics along with it. If you’ve been saving bright dust there are some sweet sets of armor for all 3 characters. It give’s purpose to go and visits some of the characters you might not have talked to in a while. And when you bake them cookies you earn cool rewards and xp. Also weapon leveling is double xp right now. So it’s super easy to level up crafted weapons which basically cut the grind in half. You have to do particular things to find the recipes and Ingredients to bake specific cookies for specific characters. For example Zavala wants gjallardoodles. But yeah it’s fun and gives ya more fun stuff to work for when doing your normal activities. Also Season of the Serph is awesome. Golden age and post apocalyptic earth in destiny is so interesting to me.
(Provided by Nicholas Mann)

GTA V has been out a long time so it is a little hard to get into the game, however with the new Drug Labs DLC it's added even more content to the 5 year game. Adding a new business, new cars and missions to the game. We also get all the usual Christmas events! Snow starts to set on the explosive streets of Los Santos and the fireworks shooting causes the hurricanes to storm on down. This year, you can get a free snowman outfit to add to vast amount of cosmetics. The festive time inside of GTAV unlocks new event only missions as well as car themes. Only available at Christmas. As well as that, all the previous years content are fully accessible for you to play, so if you haven't played GTA for a few years, it might be a good time to get on, make a snowman and throw some snowballs at all the other players!

The battle bus has stolen Santa for yet another year to drop the players from the dimensions of the rift into the battlegrounds. This year, as like the last few years of fortnite, we have a Christmas event. Firstly, 12 days of Christmas, a free item everyday with a special hidden item on the 25th which is usually a free skin! This is just a way to give back to the community that play everyday and all you need to do it's log on!. The limited items quests and the snow falling all over the island is sure to keep you in the festive spirit as you build, battle and conquer your way through the opponents which occasionally throwing the odd snowball, obliterating anything in your path with just your hands.

Chivalry 2
This Chivmas I'm gonna be playing Chivalry 2 since the new update just dropped with a bunch of new themed maps, decked out with decorations and Chivmas trees throughout. They've even introduced snowballs and snowball fights for more wacky fun than ever before. You can also expect to see people running around with christmas hats shouting hohoho down the decked halls until you find the ultimate king.... Santa! So get your trusty swords bows and.. candy canes, and celebrate chivmas with festive spirits!
(Provided by Mike Driftwood, XECO PrincessPeach

To Conclude
With all these events going on over the festive period there is always something to do. But do not let this deter you from the other games! Luckily, there is alot to do this year with High on Life, a great new game which is on xbox game pass, the latest Lego Star Wars, which is also on xbox game pass, and all the other amazing games you could be playing.
With that, Merry Christmas from everyone here at Xeco and spend it well. We all can't wait for the new year and all the new games in which we can delve into.
Many thanks.
Xeco Volcy,