There are over 100 free to play games available on Xbox consoles and with so many people upgrading to a series S or X, or even if it’s their first time owning an Xbox console, there’s never been a better time to run through and introduce you to a few of them. I’ve added a little personal score to help break down and make it easier. Note - these scores are not reflective of the game itself, but more to indicate how soon I recommend you try them out.
Some items on the store are free but I chose not to include them, ones such as insects, as it’s more of a movie, Hitman starter pack, as they are getting condensed into one, time to explore!
We will be updating this list as time goes on and more get added
Scroll or click from the list below to jump to that section, and here's a summary of what the scores mean.
8-10 = well worth playing
5-7 = if you have the time, check it out
3-4 = only if you have space and really want to
0-2 = save yourself, I wouldn’t try it.
Battle Royales
Starting off our list, we feel the most popular ones you’ve either heard of or played, is a battle Royale, in no specific order, we start with
Warzone 2
This is the second instalment of the massive Call Of Duty franchise’s battle royale, technically third but we can pretend blackout didn’t happen. This is one of the fastest growing and most popular BR’s out there, sticking to the classic call of duty speed and feel, a very large map with roughly 150 players using a mass of weapons and vehicles to unleash hell. Microtransactions come in the form of a season pass, or cosmetics.
Teams- solo, duo, trio or quad.
What makes it unique - custom loadouts
Bad points - high skill curve
Score - 8/10

Apex Legends
From the genius minds behind Titanfall 2, the shared universe has a small but unique BR, with only 60 people but a rotation of different maps available and very balanced selection of characters, all with unique abilities and skills, but common archetypes such as tank, support and recon, this is one of the longest running and most popular BR’s of both this generation and the last. Microtransactions take the form of coins that can be used for loot boxes or unlocking new characters
Teams - duo or trio
What makes it unique - characters with their own personalities and abilities
Bad points - newly released characters can be unlocked instantly with premium currency and provide a disadvantage to those who don’t grind out the in game currency.
Score - 7/10

You knew this one was coming, it took the world by storm upon its release (no pun intended) and has been dominating the player counts ever since. This unique BR has a mixture of 3rd person gunplay and fast paced building mechanics that can separate the pros from the noobs in a matter of clicks. With its constant updates and crossovers this 100 player battle Royale can ensure you will always find a unique mix of players, and the only place you can find master chief fighting with Batman, Lara Croft and Kratos. If you want. Microtransactions come in the form of premium currency which can be used for cosmetics, or paid packs can grant you a story mode to go alongside the multiplayer carnage with its own rewards.
Teams - solo, duo or quads
What makes it unique - crossover character packs and building mechanics can make it a balanced and entertaining game
Bad points - the ongoing flurry of updates, store refreshes and even a monthly subscription option can make it one of the most expensive free to play games. And I can’t ignore it’s reputation, it has got a bit of a bad name due its attraction to younger audiences.
Score - 8/10

Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds.
This game is also known as PUBG, or PUBG battlegrounds for its full title. So yes, it’s called Player Unknown’s Battle Grounds battlegrounds. For some reason. What started off as an innocent mod for a popular pc game turned into one of the worlds first BR’s, and definitely one of the first popular ones. Though graphically it’s lacking, and gameplay wise it’s lacking, and mechanically it’s lacking…. At this stage it’s safe to say only the original or hardcore fans are keeping it alive. Although a fun little play, it is outdated, but still enjoyable. Microtransactions come in the form of premium currency for cosmetics, if you play in 3rd person not first. Other than that it shouldn’t matter.
Teams - solo, duo, quads
What makes it unique - it’s one of the first BR’s and stays true to what made it popular
Bad points - it is very outdated and slowly dying, at least in the western world
Score - 5/10

If I’m honest, at the time of writng this, it seems pointless, although a quirky and fun BR, which focuses on the use of magic rather than guns, using gauntlets to fire off and combine spells of the elements such as wind or ice, it is a fun little game but dying out insanely quickly. So quickly in fact, it will be taken offline in a few months. Sorry about that.
Teams - solo, duo, quads
What makes it unique - it was magic not guns
Bad points - shutting down in 2023
Score 5/10

Fall guys
Yes this is battelroyale. Technically. You get to play as a colourful jellybean, playing your own takeshi’s castle against others battling dangerous foes such as obstacle courses, races with obstacles, or doors. Eliminating the others one by one through time limites or a deadly pink slime until one remains to grab the crown, this is one of the most enjoyable BR’s. For a little while at least. It was a Sony exclusive for 2 years and I personally feel that was it’s downfall, by the time it was made free to play and put on other platforms, people stopped caring.
Teams - solo or quads
What makes it unique - it’s about plat forming rather than killing
Bad points - the hype is gone, and it’s prime is over
Score - 6/10

Realm Royale.
This was Hi-Rez’s attempt at a battle Royale; back when everyone was making them. As much as I love the company I can say with confidence, they would of been better not making this, this one has 90 players, and like some others, has fixed character archetypes that have their own unique abilities and skills to use to dominate the battlefield, it just didn’t do it very well. It may be worth a play if you’re a die hard fan, but I wouldn’t recommend it unless you was bored and curious.
Teams - solo or quads
What makes it unique - crafting your own armour, and chickens. Lots of chickens.
Bad points - it hasn’t done anything that really separates it from the others, and it hasn’t followed them well either.
Score - 3/10

Super Animal Royale.
No. I don’t even think it’s creators play it anymore. Top down animal themed 2d battle Royale using guns and hamster balls.
Sounds interesting?
Teams - solo, duo or quad
What makes it unique - it’s very bold of Pixile studios to bring out a 64 player 2D top down BR while apex and Fortnite dominate, and I have to respect that
Bad points - I actually played this, 3 times. That’s bad enough. Sorry.
Score - 1/10

You may also know this as CRSED fulfilment of all desires. Or Cusine Royale Second Edition. Or just Cusine Royale. This started off as a joke, covering yourself in kitchen equipment to protect against the bullets and frying pans, but eventually realised it sucked and tried to rebrand itself, now it sucks but it’s not funny anymore. Worth a try if you fancy something different but doesn’t do much.
Teams - solo, duo or 5
What makes it unique - it owns and accepts its shortcomings and tries to make them work
Bad points - it doesn’t have anything particularly bad, it’s just, meh
Score - 5/10

This hidden gem is from the people that brought you Fortnite, it even looks the same, just has no building mechanics, or guns.
This BR is all about hand to hand combat and wrestling, climbing up a skyscraper just to elbow drop your opponent through a school bus. It really is as fun as it sounds. The menus can be a little tricky to understand and navigate but it’s well worth a try for something new. This 40 player free for all is definitely something in my backlog.
Teams - solo, duo or trio
What makes it unique - wrestling in a chicken suit with destructible environments, it’s a lot of fun
Bad points - it had a very quiet release which was under the shadow of larger titles and updates, it didn’t get the recognition it deserved and that has hurt its player base
Score - 7/10

Darwin Project
This one is… different. A smaller, 10 person play, using crafting, traps and their wits to survival harsh conditions and each other until one remains, while and 11th player controls externally what could go wrong, where hazards and rewards could be, and really ruin someone’s day.
Teams - none
What makes it unique - an ‘overseer’ type role that can change the course of the match
Bad points - it’s a great concept, it’s just not executed very well, it’s okay, but not great
Score - 4/10

So this one isn’t really a battle Royale, but it’s got the same principles of the dark zone of Division, or even newer would be DMZ, where the goal is to survive and make it home, but other players are more likely to be your enemies and try to kill you too, so I feel it belongs here.
It’s a good game if I’m honest, with alot to do and explore, though not as much content as rust or other games of the same style, it’s worth a play.
Teams - solo usually, but you can team with friends, or randomers if you’re lucky
Things that make it unique - it’s more of a survival where other players are an obstacle not a goal lol
Bad points - the gunplay is average, and could do with some improving
Score - 6/10

Team based shooters
For those of you who still want to gun down some people online, but don’t quite feel like a strict battle Royale vibe, there’s these. Most of them do have free for alls, but their main points are the team play
Overwatch 2
This is the second installment of the infamous Overwatch game, the team based shooter by Blizzard. Whether you’ve been to a games convention, watched any gaming compilations over the last 6 years or been on those websites you have to be 18 or over to enter, you’ve seen an overwatch character. This fun objective based game has fast paced action using a wide array of unique characters ranging from a gamer girl in a mech suit, a hyper intelligent gorilla or an Australian, although number 2 has made many people angry by being made free and changing certain aspects, this is a strong recommendation for anybody with an Xbox console.
Teams - 5 people aside, usually
Things that make it unique - a large range of very very unique characters all with their own play styles
Bad points - the internet ruins everything. I main Tracer, I won’t google her though.
Score - 8/10

Space Lords
So this initially came out as Raiders of The Broken Planet, a multi episode story game with online aspects, and released as a free to play game giving all of the campaigns out seamlessly, much like Evolve, it has a 4v1 style story, where you can see both sides and progress your chosen character with skills and equipment. And also like evolve, it’s not really played, it’s player count is around 15 a day. That’s 15 players by the way.
Teams - a team of 4
Things that make it unique - it’s actually fun, if you have a full squad to go with
Bad points - it doesn’t have bad points exactly, but it has no good ones, it’s so-so
Score - 4/10

This 5v5 mech based shooter is exactly what you’d expect, large bipedal machines, covered in guns, trying to destroy the other large bipedal machines, also covered in guns. It’s like an off brand metal gear. This game would of been great back in the 360 era but for now it feels lacking, a fun game, but I’d recommend you have some friends as it’s player base is low and may take you a while to find a match
Teams - 5v5
Things that make it unique - not many mech based shooters out there, especially ones that are easy to follow and learn
Bad points - it’s just outdated, so much so that the original 2012 pc release has been shutdown, but it’s still playable on Xbox.
Score - 5/10

APB Reloaded
Also known as All Points Bulletin, it’s basically cops and robbers online. This was actually one of the most expensive video games ever made, costing around $100 million to make, and was set to rival the likes of GTA, crackdown and world of Warcraft. It didn’t. Point and laugh people. An attempt was made. Feel free to check out this 2010 attempt at something nobody asked for as it had been done several times before, by companies a lot better. That being said it’s fun for a good half an hour, but not worth the install size unless you desperately want to role play online as a police enforcer or a criminal, and don’t have any other games at all.
Teams - honestly no clue, it’s drop in drop out multiplayer
Things that make it unique - it’s still getting updates, most companies own up to their failures, they didn’t, hats off to you K2 network/realtime worlds/ EA/ Little orbit.
Bad points - they can’t even keep a publisher let alone a player base
Score - 1/10

Armoured Warfare
This game is actually quite decent, except for one thing, world of tanks is better. It’s a 15 vs 15 tank based multiplier shooter, and can be a lot of fun, except as I said, just play world of tanks, it’s the same but better
Teams - 15 aside for pve or pvp
Things that make it unique - it’s actually quite fun, with good customisation and easily played
Bad points - it stopped getting updates already and is slowly dying out
Score - 4/10

Crossfire X
Fun fact, the X stands for it being Xbox exclusive, not number 10. This is the 3rd installation of the crossfire series, a team based shooter with a similar premise of counter strike, just nowhere near as successful. This is the closest you’ll get to a realistic tactical team based shooter you can get for free, but don’t hope for a single player story. They’re sold separately for real money and cost way more than they’re worth. All in all, it’s a good game to play, just lacking in certain areas.
Teams - quads, usually
Things that make it unique - it’s not as bad as everyone says, it has decent graphics and gun play, and a small group of friends can easily spend hours shooting away
Bad points - it’s very pay to win, horrendously in fact, and IGN gave it a 3/10, so now everyone assumes it’s bad
Score - 5/10

Where to begin, this game is stunning, it’s like overwatch, in nearly every way, except it has a wider variety of characters and skills, with their own card style load outs to change abilities according to how you play, I personally prefer it to overwatch but some may disagree, it does mostly come down to perspective but I feel this deserves just as much love, if not more
Teams - 5 aside
What makes it unique - wide array of characters including trees, foxes and machines, with card based style customisation
Bad points - it’s a HiRez game so it has the curse of not getting as much love as smite, still good, but don’t expect grand publicity or groundbreaking updates
Score - 8/10

This first person shooter follows the likes of all of them, team based ‘tactical Warfare’ while having a confusing interface, clunky controls and mediocre graphics. Originally released on the Xbox one, in my opinion it should’ve stayed there. Not a bad game, but too outdated to waste space on
Teams - 5, or free for all
What makes it unique - cooperative actions such as mantling and pulling to gain higher ground can change the battlefield in your favour
Bad points - it’s just too average to stand out, might be worth playing but it won’t last long if you play another shooter instead
Score - 3/10

Rogue Company
This is another Hi-Rez shooter, but 3rd person and tried to take elements from all others, starting with a pool of money which increases with kills and wins, to buy better guns for more kills and wins, then resetting each game. A few unique characters in a similar style of siege, where gameplay remains the same but they have tactical equipment to turn the tide in your favour, it’s not a bad game, but it died very quickly.
Teams - usually 4 but has a 6v6 mode
What makes it unique - it looks great and handles well straight from launch, and it can be alot of fun once you found a character you like
Bad points - it gets repetitive and without friends to play it with, the game becomes a bore within just a few matches
Score - 6/10

Halo Infinite Mulitplayer
First off, this is free to play however if you have game pass you’ll have it included with the halo infinite campaign mode too, so no stress there. This is the 6th instalment of the halo series, unless you count odst, reach, and the other good ones. Honestly the multiplayer feels pretty much the same, think halo 5, but newer. It’s decent, some love it, some hate it, halo fans will appreciate it
Teams - 24 players down to duos, standard 6, free for all, there’s a lot
Things that make it unique - it’s halo! Halo has always stood out among shooters. As a new edition, it doesn’t stretch out too far, but it stands alone against most other modern shooters
Bad points - well some of the good guns are gone, and it’s a little money hungry if you like cosmetics
Rating - 7/10

Halo! With portals! That’s pretty much it. It has the same feel and look as the halo 3 we loved, but with a series of portals you can place wherever to see, shoot and run through to your advantage, a definite tryout for you gun game fans.
Teams - usually 4v4
What makes it unique - portals! Campers beware, you can open fire around corners or even other levels with the ability to portal wherever you want
What makes it bad - it doesn’t get much updates and it can grow tiresome without friends
Rating - 8/10

World of Tanks
It’s world of warships, but with tanks! A large fully destructible open battlefield where you command and drive a historically accurate tank with your team to dominate the area, with multiple classes and gorgeous graphics, it’s definitely worth looking into
Teams - 7v7
What makes it unique - a fully rendered and beautiful historic tank based warfare that’s easy to get into and play
Bad points - unlocking new tanks can take a very long grind if you’re not willing to just pay
Score - 7/10

World of Warships
It’s world of tanks, but with boats! A large sea based battlefield where you command and drive a historically accurate warship with your team to dominate the area, with multiple classes and gorgeous graphics it’s definitely worth looking into. Some bias may be here but I think this is better than WoT, everything from the ship detailing to the torpedo cam makes this such a better game for me
Teams - 12v12
What makes it unique - it’s one of the only fully 3d and accurate warship based combat games available, and it is excellently done with great performance and good times to be had
Bad points - much like WoT the tech tree can be a bit of a grind, or just pay, and matches can take a very long time if you’re in a slower ship
Score - 8/10

This shooter wanted to be classed as an MMO, which due to its sheer size it possibly could be, but let’s not kid ourselves, it’s a team based shooter with rounds and objectives. It’s gameplay follows the old (ps2) style battlefield, with a set squad of npcs you play as one by one as your main player dies, set in world war 2 it’s a fun way to kill time, but takes dedication.
Teams - 25 players per team, 3 or 4 squads per player, and 4 or 5 soldiers per squad, it’s big.
What makes it unique - a world war 2 shooter with historically accurate weapons, roles and loadouts, it’s one of the best ways to dive into history and take back Europe, or defend it.
Bad points - the interface and squad menus can be confusing, with multiple different currencies and xp, which seem to do nothing, I think, and the microtransactions are killing it by locking way too many good features
Score - 7/10

Century: Age of Ashes
Think ace combat, but with dragons. This 3rd person flying game features dragon based combat, consisting of fireballs, streams of fire and a slew of special abilities such as mines, smoke and even a homing missile type. Lots of customisation and plenty of dragons to choose from, it’s mostly balanced but not without its flaws
Teams - 4v4v4
What makes it unique - dragon based flying combat, what else could I say?
Bad points - extremely high difficulty curve, you can go from dominating every match to never landing a hit within a day
Score - 6/10

War Thunder
I’ll save you time here, it’s a great game but it has been poorly executed as a console port, it doesn’t require the best PC to run, so if you have that option, just play it there.
Teams - 32 players
What makes it unique - a good mix of tank, plane and naval combat across a larger battlefield covers all areas
Bad points - I can’t speak for the pc version but the console version is poorly optimised
Score - 2/10

Gundam Evolution
Most people have heard of gundam by now, the colourful and quite frankly impressive mechs adorning a heap of guns to blast holes in the other mechs, it’s got its own free to play first person shooter! If you’re a fan of gundam check it out, if not, hard pass. This is for fans only, and even they cringe.
Teams - 6v6
What makes it unique - it’s the first free to play gundam game if ever, but definitely the first in the western world for this generation of gamers
Bad points - even Gundam fans think it will fail, it’s one of the newest games in this list and is already dying, clunky, badly executed, pay to win elements and just boring
Score - 1/10

This post apocalyptic shooter also wanted to be an mmo, but it’s just vehicle based warfare. This time with a twist, you actually build and design your own vehicle, from wheeled trucks, to tracked tanks all the way to walking machines, and it’s very easy to design and make, but not without its issues, constant updates and new content has made it hard to remain competitive without sinking in money
Teams - 8v8 with a story for 1 to 4 players
What makes it unique - full customisation on how to build vehicles means you’ll hardly ever see someone with the same build as you
Bad points - micro transactions have ruined its ease of access by making the best gear paid for, so free player will always be outclassed
Score - 6/10

Galaxy Control Arena
Something that wouldn’t look out of place on a 15 year old android phone, this point and click style pvp moba is one of the most boring and time consuming games out there, I would say something nice about it as it’s not too bad, but everything it does, there’s something better, I just wouldn’t bother
Teams - 1v1 usually but there’s other modes
What makes it unique - they are brave enough to release in 2020
Bad points - the cover art is misleading and makes it look playable
Score - 1/10

Mobile Games
In the modern age of 4k graphics, vast open worlds and millions of players to face, it was inevitable that a couple of games from your iPad would make their way onto the consoles, but some of them are actually decent for killing time, playing with friends or just hoarding gamer score
Asphalt 9: Legends
One of the highest rated racing games available for mobile and tablet, asphalt 9 is the 15th asphalt game. Because maths. It’s not a bad little game to play if you want to earn some achievements and don’t have game pass to play forza, all in all, I’d say try it, even once
Good with friends? No
What makes it unique? Beautiful graphics for a free car game, can’t complain too much
Bad points? It’s not worth the download space if you want to play it a lot considering mobile is probably easier
Score - 6/10

Frozen freefall snowball fight.
Good with friends? No
What makes it unique? It’s just Disney candy crush
Bad points? It’s frozen freefall snowball fight
Score - 0/10

Fallout Shelter
Okay - I like this game. Yes I could play it on mobile, but having a bigger screen makes everything. In fallout shelter you run your own vault as the overseer, from a side on view, making sure you have enough resources to keep it running while keeping your dwellers happy, reproducing and strong enough to defend from raiders
Fun with friends? No
What makes it unique? This time consuming tycoon game in the fallout universe is the only one of its kind
Bad points? It can be very time consuming and a big grind to get the best resources
Score - 7/10

Starlit Adventures
This one is more for the younger generation, an extremely simple platformer/puzzle game where you go from point A to point B collecting items and making it to the next stage, it’s okay for something to put on if you have a child or younger sibling you don’t want ruining any game saves
Fun with friends? No
What makes it unique? It’s good to occupy the little ones in the house with monomial understanding required
Bad points? Not really next gen material, it’s more of an “I’m bored let me see how quickly I can beat this”
Score - 3/10

Virtual villagers origins 2
This top down point and click survival game is your standard craft and solve mobile game that’s been done a million times before, but it is great for a achievement hunt!
Fun with friends? No
What makes it unique? Earn gamer score for playing the same style of game you’ve probably seen in a 30 second YouTube advert
Bad points? It’s just not worth the time or effort to try to enjoy
Score - 2/10

Clicker Heros
Big standard clicker tycoon, like cookie clicker if anyone remembers that? Hammer a button long enough to pay for something to hammer it for you, rinse and repeat, but it’s nice distraction and a great way to kill time
Fun with friends? No
What makes it unique? As far as idle tycoons go this is one of the best ones, and it looks great
Bad points? After a few hours you realise what you’ve been doing and go to play something better
Score - 5/10

Battle Ages
The standard top down city builder where one building can take hours real time to make, or pay real money to skip, but this time you’re going through periods of history. I’d give it a miss.
Fun with friends? No
What makes it unique? Nothing
Bad points? It’s a waste of time, just play clash of clans on your phone
Score - 1/10

Battle Islands
The standard top down city builder where one building can take hours real time to make, or pay real money to skip, but this time you’re going through stages of military technology. I’d give it a miss.
Fun with friends? No
What makes it unique? Nothing
Bad points? It’s a waste of time, just play clash of clans on your phone
Score - 1/10

Battle Islands Commanders
This one on one card based combat is in the same style of Clash Royale, but from the people that brought you battle islands. You can skip this one too
Fun with friends? It’s supposed to be, but no.
What makes it unique? Nothing
Bad points? There’s a better option that’s more fun and smaller space
Score - 1/10

Minion Masters
This game is also similar to the style of Clash Royale, build a deck of monsters and face off against another player to overwhelm their own forces and win. This one however, you both have your own boss with abilities, auto attacks and ways to help your team out, constantly getting updates and has a rather large following, definitely worth a try.
Fun with friends? Yes very!
What makes it unique? Although not as big as clash Royale it plays just as well and has a larger array of creatures to use
Bad points? If you’re playing on mobile not console, clash Royale may be the better option purely due to its popularity
Score - 7/10

Gems of War
This is a match 3 style puzzle game that holds up pretty well against its competitors, it’s a good way to both kill time and earn some gamer score while you do it. Simple, nice graphics and a relaxing way to chill out and play a few rounds
Fun with friends? No
What makes it unique? It’s one of the more relaxed match 3 games out there, and being on console it’s a great game to unwind on if you’re having a rough session
Bad points? It’s not something you’ll turn the console on just to play, but more something you switch over to if you need to calm down
Score - 5/10

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms
This is a dungeons and dragons licensed idle rpg, in the focusing on team management and playing to your character strengths while unlocking others or powering up who you have
Fun with friends? No
What makes it unique? Set in the D&D world with its own creatures and lore, beautiful art and simple gameplay
Bad points? It’s repetitive and dull after a while of playing
Score - 4/10

Card games
For those of us trading card aficionados or maybe ones with an eye for gambling may be interested in the card game selection, while we wait for magic the gathering to come back to Xbox consoles, we have these to play around with
YuGiOh Master Duel
This is the newest free to play yugioh game featuring hundreds if not thousands of cards from the YuGiOh franchise, covering all eras from the first season to the pendulum and link summons, it can be great fun but if you’re out of the loop and looking for nostalgia you may be overwhelmed by the new mechanics
Can you lose real money? No
What makes it unique? It’s a fully fledged and animated YuGiOh card game following the same cards, creatures and rules of the game we grew up playing or watching
Bad points? The newer summon mechanics can be seen as brutal and unfair to the old school players and you’ll find yourself losing many matches unless you learn them
Score - 7/10

Four Kings Casino and Slots
This is your bog standard casino game, if you’re into blackjack, poker and all around gambling, it’s worth looking into, if you’re not? There’s nothing here for you
Can you lose real money? Technically yes if you pay to fill your wallet
What makes it unique? Rather than just a menu you get a full walk about of a casino
Bad points? For those not into the gambling scene, this game has nothing to offer
Score - 6/10

Prominence Poker
This Texas hold’em style poker game actually tried to have a story, and it’s just not interesting at all. There’s better games out there for all kinds of player, funny, smart, gambling, it doesn’t do any of it correct
Can you lose real money? No
What makes it unique? It’s a console attempt at pc’s poker night, and a bad one
Bad points? It’s 100% Texas hold’em poker, and nothing else
Score - 2/10

To the Moon and Beyond
So this is a rather unconventional card game, where rather than competing against others or gambling, you’re learning about space and trying to explore our solar system. This is an educational game by NASA and honestly, it’s not bad, just a little boring after a while. Interesting enough to keep you entertained but not engaging enough to make you play it all night.
Can you lose real money? No
What makes it unique? It’s an educational progressive card based game, it’s quite an odd concept
Bad points? It’s not very interactive, it’s more of a slow reading and clicking
Score - 5/10

Lies of Astaroth
Oh boy… okay. So this is a card based combat style rpg and mmo, in which it doesn’t do anything well. Safe to say this is one of the more NSFW games available on Xbox due to its avatars, drawings and it’s borderline hentai. It says it takes roughly 1500 hours to complete. I can guarantee anyone that’s done that has never dated.
Can you lose real money? No.
What makes it unique? It’s a trading card mmo with an art style heavily catered towards adults who most likely wear fedoras and carry foam katanas
Bad points? Once you get an achievment in this, it’s publicly on your profile forever
Score - 2/10

Eternal Card Game
With Xbox’s lack of magic the gathering and hearthstone, 2 of the worlds best card games, Eternal brings you the best of both worlds, with a similar feel to both for those who know how they work. With deck and card mechanics of Magic but the playstyle and feel of Hearthstone, for all trading card fans, I strongly recommend playing this
Can you lose real money? No, but there are microtransactions
What makes it unique? A multiplatform 3rd party tcgo with fantastic art and thousands of cards available
Bad points? The single player difficulty curve is insane
Score - 8/10

Massively Mulitplayer Online Role Playing Games have been taking the world by storm for as long as we can remember and with titans such as Eve Online and World of Warcraft it was inevitable that they would make their way onto consoles, some of which are completely free to play
Star Trek Online
This will come as no shock but if you’re not a fan of Star Trek this isn’t for you. The combat itself is simple, and the graphics are average, so it’s not going to be stealing anyone from the more popular areas. However, having said that, if you do like Star Trek, this is a great way to play. With several races, numerous systems and planets, an in-depth ship customization and a campaign spanning multiple factions with gameplay varying from shooting, melee or interstellar dog fights, this is a must play for fans of the franchise.
Do you need friends? No, but they help
Unique points? Fully licensed and extremely large, with a majority of it being free to access without paywalls
Bad points? If you take away the Star Trek elements, it’s just a subpar mmo that’s not out of place in a 2009 browser.
Score - 5/10

The epic Dungeons & Dragons MMORPG finally hit consoles! Many years ago. And no one cares anymore. This is a tricky one, as the game itself is actually really good, other than the fact there’s a paywall if you want to hit endgame gear, and it’s had so many updates and expansions starting it now is overwhelming and confusing. I really liked it, but then ESO came out and overtook it and it’s been so long now that Neverwinter seems like a fond memory and nothing more.
Do you need friends? Yes, as playing solo becomes a chore
Unique points? This was one of the first mmorpgs that was a free to play model and paved the way for much of what we have today, and it still holds up
Bad points? It does feel like a wow clone that just isn’t as well laid out
Score - 6/10

Do not skip this! I was one of the many hundreds who played this once and never touched it again, but after some understanding and patience it quickly became one of the best games I’ve ever played. Space ninjas with hundreds of weapons from swords, bows, guns and throwing stars? Each warframe suit having several abilities and complete customization? Pets, mounts, free roaming areas, pvp lobbies, events, and perfectly smooth and easy controls? This game is nearly perfect and it’s all free, the only issue I’ll say, is it’s not friendly to new players. Not for difficulty, but the lack of options, the farming fear and wait times for new gear and no sense of real direction can be what put many people off playing, but I say give it a try and grab someone to take the journey with you, it helps.
Do you need friends? No, but having one who’s played and likes it will really help
What makes it unique? Constant expansions and updates are completely free to all players and it remains one of the best looking and feeling mmo’s of this generation
Bad points? Once you get into it you’ll understand that there is a lot of farming required for better gear
Score - 8/10

This monster hunter meets Fortnite is Epic Games’ entry into the f2p mmorpg and it’s not bad if I’m honest, it just doesn’t stand out from the crowd, if you’re new to mmorpgs and want to try them out, this is a good place to start.
Do I need friends? To have fun, yes.
What makes it unique? It’s very simple, most mmorpg’s tend to throw a lot at you but this is quite pleasant.
Bad points? For serious mmorpg players this doesn’t offer anything new
Score - 4/10

This is a fairly unknown entry but it has decent playability, graphically it’s nothing to shout about but the story is good enough and easy to follow, I wouldn’t recommend dedicating a lot of time to this one but as far as casual games go, you could do worse
Do I need friends? No, it’s way too simple to require help
What makes it unique? You’re on the path to becoming a god, not just a warrior but a fully fledged god
Bad points? It doesn’t stand out much and easily forgettable
Score - 5/10

Another weird one coming in from the older years, this JRPG has an extremely confusing story which I think is more focused on being a blacksmith and forging the weapons rather than actually using them, but still, it’s decent if you want to spend hours grinding just so you can get 11 gamerscore and ruin those perfect numbers
Do I need friends? Yes, because I’m sure someone you know can figure out how to play this
What makes it unique? Gameplay wise, nothing, but in terms of story and visuals it’s unlike anything I’ve seen, ripped straight out of any anime, it looks good, I think?
Bad points? I have absolutely no idea what’s going on and the achievements are awful for us achievement hunters
Score - 3/10

DC universe online
I love DC, but this was a silly concept, given the choice of hero or villain and then having popular characters as your mentors or idols, as soon as you get to your movement ability, why wouldn’t you pick flying? This game is way too easy and only for die hard DC fans, other than that it’s not really worth your time. Still, it’s lasted longer than any marvel online games.
Do I need friends? No
What makes it unique? Train up to take on the DC universes strongest hero’s and villains in an online rpg
Bad points? 90% of players picked Superman, because why wouldn’t you?
Score - 4/10

Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis.
I actually reviewed this game when it came out in the western world not that long ago so I’ll save you the time, it’s only worth playing if you can go back to when it first released about a decade ago and was region locked, there’s nothing for you here now and it hasn’t aged well.
Do I need friends? Yes but they’re not playing it either
What makes it unique? Phantasy star online was one of the biggest games of all time and actually one of the first console mmos with phantasy star universe on the Xbox 360, it follows the same path
Bad points? It would of been good, 10 years ago, when Asia got to play it, now it’s dried up and nothing new to discover or be proud of. Good game, as long as you don’t mind never ever being the best.
Score - 2/10

Ever wanted to play an mmo that is nearly exactly like Minecraft just with less creativity and more basic quests? No me neither, but it exists. Maybe save this one for the kids, or extreme boredom. It looks pretty though.
Do I need friends? Maybe, might make it more interesting?
What makes it unique? It’s a good concept, and I suppose with some work and time it could of been great, but with the extra large Minecraft servers it seems pointless now
Bad points? It just doesn’t seem like it’s worth much time now there’s too much competition
Score - 3/10

Path of Exile
This is a top down rpg in a similar style of Diablo and it’s genuinely quite good fun, there’s a lot to do and plenty of customization, enough to make someone feel overwhelmed but taking it step by step you’ll see this hidden gem
Do I need friends? Yes, for later game and larger dungeons
What makes it unique? It’s a more complex dungeon crawler than what’s currently out there and will give Diablo fans a good taste of what is out there
Bad points? There’s some micro transactions that can give you a massive edge and make you feel like you need to buy them, and the menu systems can get a little confusing
Score - 7/10

I’m going to have to stop you here - you CAN download it but you’ll never play it, the servers have been shut down so please use this guide as your notice.
Do I need friends? N/A
What makes it unique? It wasn’t a bad game, and the company is working on a new mmo, keep your eyes out in future
Bad points? I understand being from 2011 it’s old, but it still had some life left
Score - N/A

Single Player games
There are a few single player games that are mostly story driven, not including games that were once full releases and overtime became free, but full on games that came out for free, or games where the first part is free, to give you the choice to pay to continue
Opus Castle
This survival horror puzzle game, is actually based on a real tragedy in Brazil. Just not as interesting, poorly executed and extremely short, it’s a good way to kill an hour, but probably not worth charging for more
Would I pay for it? No
What makes it unique? Not many horror games based on true events
Bad points? It’s a short and tasteless way to raise awareness on someone else’s misfortune
Score - 2/10

Side scrolling puzzle platformer, those familiar with limbo or hollow knight will sense a familiar feel, it’s not a bad game, but a little cliche and overdone, simple, but it looks beautiful and you can easily lose time playing it
Would I pay for it? No, but I can imagine some would
What makes it unique? Honestly nothing, but it’s a good entry into an overused genre
Bad points? There’s no relatability and it’s a little easy
Score - 7/10

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 1
This is the first part of the second resident evil episodic game. Following the popular resident evil style of gameplay before it went all first person and weird, but after they ditched tank controls, this one has a good feel of the standard resident evil many of us love and miss. From zombies down to mutated animals or enemies of pure viral horror. Even though it’s not high up on the fear factor, there’s enough jumpy moments and good story to keep you gripped.
Would I pay for it? Yes. Actually I did.
What makes it unique? As far as episodic games go, resident evil isn’t the first choice, but they did it well
Bad points? If you miss when resident evil was simple and based on the T-Virus this won’t bring back that joy, it doesn’t play to nostalgia
Score - 7/10

Life is Strange 2 Episode 1.
This would technically count as a demo, but it’s the full first part of the acclaimed Life is Strange sequel. Beautifully done with award winning voice acting and a story that you will remember forever, this is a must have for all those who loved the first one. And I promise there’s no one called Peter behind me forcing me to say nice things about this.
Would I pay for it? For the full game, absolutely yes
What makes it unique? Life is strange took the world by storm (no pun intended) and this is the sequel to that one of a kind story
Bad points? Some fans of the first one won’t enjoy it, not much has changed, it’s purely for the story
Score - 7/10

Telltales The Walking Dead; A New Frontier, Episode 1
This is the third telltales walking dead game, and although a sequel it is more of a spin off as it goes along side Clemetines story rather than directly continuing, in traditional telltale fashion it’s about choices and QuickTime events, although not as emotionally destroying as the first 2.
Would I pay for it? Honestly, no, it’s not as good as the first 2
What makes it unique? Telltale have always been unique in terms of gameplay and story, but this one doesn’t stray too far from the previous ones, nothing new here
Bad points? It’s a let down considering how good the first ones were
Score - 5/10

Queens Quest 5: Symphony of Death
How this is the fifth entry I have no idea, queens quest is a story driven puzzle game that has amassed a bit of a following due to its much loved point and click fashion, though I think without playing the others this may not bring you much joy
Would I pay for it? No
What makes it unique? I have no clue, it’s a standard point and click game that spends a majority of times time asking you to find items
Bad points? It’s playable on Mac, so if anything, downloading it on a series X is an insult to our technology’s hardware
Score - 2/10

The Council Episode 1: The Mad Ones
This one is a weird game, another episodic game but this time set as a member of a secret society in the 1700’s. The title is exactly what you’d expect, it has many unique and rather interesting characters that will leave you confused and curious about more, but the gameplay lets it down. It’s also very very easy.
Would I pay for it? No, the story is good but not good enough
What makes it unique? The constant mystery and intrigue is more desirable than most modern story games
Bad points? It just fails to deliver in the gameplay aspect, I imagine it would make a good show, but that’s all
Score - 5/10

A Kings Tale: Final fantasy XV
This is a 2d side scroller set many decades before final fantasy 15, but let’s itself down by existing. To know what’s going on, having played final fantasy 15 first helps a lot, but by doing so, you know what to expect. It’s a beat-em-up style rather than traditional turn based combat and is a good little time killer, but it’s more of a side part to final fantasy 15 rather than a standalone game, I wouldn’t play this if you have no interest in the main game.
Would I pay for it? No
What makes it unique? It’s a smaller prequel to one of the biggest and most popular games to help spread out some lore
Bad points? It feels pointless, final fantasy 15 was good enough without needing this
Score - 6/10

Kings Quest
Not to be confused with queens quest, this is a reboot of an 8 part point and click adventure from the 90’s. It’s not a bad little game if you fancy some retro style action, but for those who want a fast paced story this offers very little
Would I pay for it? No
What makes it unique? The original kings quest saga was highly popular and having reboot it for newer fans is a smart move, and they did it well
Bad points? Although the game itself is pretty good, this style of gameplay is very outdated and you’ll find yourself getting bored of its charm very quickly
Score - 6/10

Full games that are now free!
Sometimes, games get very old and stop generating income, but remain popular and so get given out for free, other times it’s due to licensing laws, or just celebrations, but these are full AAA titles you can now download and keep for free
Sims 4
Although the most recent Sims game, EA’s sims 4 is fairly old now and still has a massive community always playing and creating new things for people to enjoy. With the announcement of sims 5 on the horizon, sims 4 is now free to play for everybody. This is just the base game but there’s plenty of content available for you to make your own worlds and rather than bettering your real life, create one online instead. This is one of the best games you can download and spend hours on, and it’s surprisingly generous considering EA.
Is it worth playing? Absolutely
What makes it unique? If you haven’t played the sims by now, you really should, and if you have, you probably have this already, it’s a fantastic way to immerse yourself in your own digital world.
Bad points? The controls can be a little finicky and it can grow tiresome after a while if you’re not invested.
Score - 8/10

Telltales The Walking Dead
This was the first entry for Telltales episodic drama based on the walking dead and really set this company up for success, provided we pretend they didn’t go bust. This will tear at your heartstrings and make you want more. Simple controls and an emotionally gripping story where your choices matter.
Is it worth playing? Yes
What makes it unique? Your choices shape the rest of the game, in ways you could never imagine, making you feel things for people you never thought you’d care about
Bad points? It isn’t scary, but it’s still a zombie game, so it’s not for everyone
Score - 9/10

Telltales The Walking Dead 2
This is the sequel many of us waited a long time for, to carry on Clementines story as she survives this zombie ridden world. After the beautiful narrative of number 1 that left us wanting more, this second part didn’t fail to disappoint, well worth playing, but AFTER you play the first.
Is it worth playing? Yes!
What makes it unique? It remains faithful to the first part, and your choices from the first game continue to mould the world around you for this part
Bad points? It left us wanting more again, and honestly anything further was disappointing. Prepare to feel incomplete afterwards,
Score - 8/10

Life is Strange
Life is strange is loved by many for its touching and gripping story, what some people don’t know is that even though it’s a square enix story, the gameplay mechanic that made this such a success was actually used by the developers in 2013, and was a catastrophic failure. That has nothing to do with the game, just a cool fact. Anyways - this was praised by critics and gamers alike, for being a pure and simple game, that the people who played it will remember, and now you can too.
Is it worth playing? Yes
What makes it unique? The rewind feature allows players to look back at details they’ve missed, relive key moments or even change choices, and that is truely special.
Bad points? It has some graphical and audio issues, nothing atrocious but if you’re unlucky enough to experience these bugs it can throw you off
Score - 8/10

Tell Me Why
This is a 3 part story that has a strong representation with the LGBT community. Following a pair of twins as they return to their childhood home after an extremely traumatic event. This can be a little too much for some emotionally or those with mental health issues, but even still, it portrays a beautiful message hidden behind disaster that I think we can all appreciate.
Is it worth playing? Yes
What makes it unique? It does a good job of respecting and helping to understand the LGBT community without making that it’s entire personality, there’s not many games out there that have that level of respect for other people’s lifestyles
Bad points? The best part of the story is actually in the first chapter, and it feels like there’s not much left to discover which can discourage playing further.
Score - 7/10

The game that took the Xbox 360 community by storm is free for all to enjoy. An open world playing as a super cop, from a standard run around and before long you can leap over buildings and throw cars further than the eye can see. It’s the best game in the series and the climbing mechanics were amazing for its time.
Is it worth playing? Yes
What makes it unique? Being able to physically see your character change as they get stronger and faster is something seldom seen nowadays, and this is old, bring that mechanic back!
Bad points? It hasn’t aged too well, and does feel and look outdated
Score - 8/10

Crackdown 2.
Think about all of the things that made number 1 fantastic, and now ruin it. This came out back when the world was obsessed with zombies, so naturally, it’s a zombie game, of sorts. Following the same style, but rather than criminal gangs to take down, it’s hordes of mutated creatures and those responsible for them. It’s not that good. Still better than number 3 though.
Is this worth playing? Not really
What makes it unique? It’s crackdown 1, but with monsters and a bigger map.
Bad points? Oh god… all of it…
Score - 1/10

Destiny 2
This bungie shooter was highly anticipated back when it came out, and honestly compared to the first one it fell short. I will not call it an mmo as other than the main hub the online interactions with other players are limited to smaller maps and teams, this is as much an mmo as the barracks of call of duty ww2 is. Moving on from that it is actually a very very good game. Plenty to see and do and still has many very faithful fans.
Is this worth playing? Yes
What makes it unique? Destiny is a well known series and number 1 was beloved by many, number 2 had hundreds of thousands of players and being made free has opened it up to all
Bad points? The leveling and light system can be a chore, and you’ll find yourself repeating many quests just to improve your stats in a minimal way.
Score - 7/10

Too Human
You’ve probably heard of this one, and for all the wrong reasons. This 3rd person RPG where you play as a cybernetic norse god, because that’s a thing, ignoring the complexity of the situation, and the lawsuits, and how badly it crashed the company, and ruined their reputation, it’s actually a good game, doesn’t play the greatest but honestly there’s worse out there
Is this worth playing? Sort of yes
What makes it unique? It’s notorious in gaming history, but a sci-fi attempt at norse mythology is a good twist to be honest
Bad points? Mostly it’s just got a bad reputation, the game itself isn’t too bad
Score - 7/10

Phantom Dust
This game is actually a re-release that stayed rather faithful to its original 2004 game of the same name, except there’s a difference, the original one was well received. This is a one on one fighting game that uses card based loadouts and spells but actual real time fighting, it’s a strange combination and works very well, and honestly should be more popular
Is it worth playing? Sort of yes
What makes it unique? It’s a strange twist on fighting games which is easy to understand and actually works
Bad point? Graphically it’s subpar, and it’s popularity was so low you’ll struggle to find an online match
Score - 6/10

Arcade games
There’s a few arcade games dotted about in the store that may be worth trying out if you fancy some retro style nostalgia, but as BBC a warning, most of them aren’t that good
Starlit kart racing
This is your standard attempt at a kart racer trying to compete with the mustache wearing big boys and honestly it fails to deliver, the controls are simple enough but cornering and drifting is very hit and miss and it seems like the customization does very little to change gameplay
Microtransactions? None worth it
What makes it unique? Graphically it’s not bad for a free racer but does feel like it should’ve stayed on mobile devices
Bad points? It’s just lacking the fun factor and feels like a chore after the 2nd lap
Score - 2/10

Capcom Arcade Stadium 1&2
Build up your own classic arcade using cap on titles and machines, this isn’t a tycoon but rather a pretty hub where you just select the games you want to play, but you have to buy the games
Microtransactions? It’s the only way to get the games
What makes it unique? Rather than a standard interface they’ve tried to make it look like an arcade
Bad points? It’s just a fancy interface for games you could probably get cheaper elsewhere on the store or maybe already have
Score - 4/10 (if you like capcom classics)

Hexic HD
Some of you may remember this Xbox 360 classic hitting the Xbox live arcade and being some of the best time wasting hours ever, and it still to this day is a great way to spend your evening using colorful hexagons to clear areas and earn points, simple, beautiful and holds up well to this day, a niche puzzle style matching game that’s well worth a try
Microtransactions? No
What makes it unique? Rather than following the standard match 3 you see now days, this one uses hexagons to rotate and flip
Bad points? The game modes are very limited, don’t expect much to change
Score - 7/10

Pinball Arcade
This is what happens when a company tries to make a hyper realistic game version of a popular tabletop game, except it’s pinball so no one really cares. It looks pretty though.
Microtransactions? For other themes yes
What makes it unique? It looks good, or it did many years ago
Bad points? It’s literally realistic pinball, but not as fun as actually playing pinball
Score - 2/10

Stern Pinball arcade.
This is exectly the same as normal pinball arcade, except more relaxed and easier, hence the name stern, right? Honestly I have no idea what the difference is, they even have the same makers, but this one does feel easier and more arcade like, still not worth much though
Microtransactions? For other themes yes
What makes it unique? It’s more fun than the other pinball arcade, so if you do like the other one, you may like this
Bad points? If you want hyperrealistic pinball, it’s not this one
Score - 2/10

Dungeon Defenders 2
This is the second installation of the popular tower defense game with a twist. Rather than looking down and clicking it has roleplaying elements with pets, loot, equipment and skills, as you run around the map helping your magical towers fight of hordes of enemies and bosses, with split screen and online coop, it’s a good little game.
Microtransactions? Yes, for other classes and gems, but not needed
What makes it unique? A very highly rated tower and one of a kind tower defense with full online coop, for free
Bad points? It does get repetitive and single player gets either tiresome or difficult depending on your play style
Score - 7/10

Zaccaria Pinball
Another pinball game that much like the others, doesn’t add much to the genre, this one does have a more retro feel and look, so those who loved the pinball game back on the our computers before we had broadband, may actually fire this up and enjoy it. But then we remember we only liked it because we had nothing else to play.
Microtransactions? Yes, for other themes
What makes it unique? This is actually based on real pinball tables, the company themselves have over 100 varieties so they know what they’re doing
Bad points? It’s literally just a pinball game like all the others, it doesn’t change the world.
Score - 3/10

Pinball FX3
Yet another pinball game, that does exactly the same thing, but this one may be worth it for you. Nothing new gameplay wise, and the mechanics are pretty much the same, except these are licensed tables, so if you’re a hardcore marvel fan, Star Wars or even back to the future, there’s a table for you, and there’s quite a few variety’s so if you are a big fan of a franchise it may be worth looking if they have one themed about it.
Microstransactions? Yes, for the themes that you might actually get
What makes it unique? The themes change not just how it looks, but sounds, music and even little in game events and certain mechanics
Bad points? If you do find a theme you like, you’ll probably have to buy it
Score - 4/10

Sports Games
Most people are interested in some kind of sports, whether it’s extremely popular or quite niche, and the Xbox market has a few options just for you
eFootball 2023
Those of you who like football (the real one, not American) are probably aware of the long long rivalry between EA’s FIFA and Konami’s pro evo.
Well, FIFA won, and pro evo has changed its name and become free to play. It’s essentially still the same game, and it’s not new for 2023, it’s just the name for the most recent update. It’s okay, but I think football fans probably have FIFA anyway. If you’re unsure about it, you could try this and see if these games are right for you before moving on to the big names.
Microtransactions? Yes, for virtual currency to buy certain elements such as cards and players for some modes, but not needed
What makes it unique? Unless you’re a die hard fan, all football games are the same, Konami have decided to make it free with regular updates rather than charging £60 every year for the same thing.
Bad points? It’s purely a football game, nothing more, so if you don’t like the sport, you won’t like the game.
Score - 6/10

Knockout City
This strange game is dodgeball but with trick shots and powerups, from turning opponents into a ball and throwing them off, to spinning round in circles and curving the ball around corners, it’s not a bad game, but the limited modes and simplicity can make it rather boring quite quickly
Microtransactions? So many. Just so many.
What makes it unique? It’s a simple and easy to play dodgeball game without complicated mechanics and graphically it’s colorful and smooth enough to casually pick up and play
Bad points? The team sizes are limited and the modes all tend to be the same, plus some people take it way too seriously and can ruin the fun
Score - 5/10

3 on 3 freestyle
This small but fast paced street basketball game was surprisingly popular when it came out, not competing with the likes of 2k but definitely up there with the casual sports games, but now it is a distant relic of time gone by. It’s had some updates but graphically it’s not the most impressive and feels like a last generation time killer. Could be fun with some friends but all in all it’s not the best.
Microtransactions? Mostly cosmetic
What makes it unique? It’s a simple to play basketball game using small teams and easy input controls
Bad points? It just looks as simple as it plays, could be fun for a while but for a sports fan, I’d give it a miss
Score - 3/10

Powerstar Golf
This is an arcade style golf game with smaller than life courses and gameplay ripped straight out of the Nintendo wii. But without the move controls. Easy to play and rather fun with some friends involved but staying true to golf, it’s far from complex or even in-depth. It tries to add some realism with normal courses and club selection but it’s a cartoonish arcade game disguised as a sport.
Microtransactions? Yes, but none important
What makes it unique? It’s fun for a few rounds of golf for people who don’t really enjoy the sport but still don’t mind virtual elements, it’s better than the grand theft auto one.
Bad points? It’s got a lack of courses and the club changes don’t do that much, they seem too simple to add a game changing effect.
Score - 4/10

Fighting Games
Some of us absolutely love fighting games, some of us don’t, but here’s a few of the times you can punch your friends online in the face without spending a penny
This game took the world by storm in its beta and had several people clamoring for a chance to play but it died very very quickly. This odd twist on the popular Smash Bros games brings in characters such as Batman, scooby-doo’s shaggy and adventure time’s own Jake and Finn. It was a great concept at first but the unbalanced characters and heavy focus on 2v2 left it lacking the player base it so badly needed.
Can I get other characters for free? Yes, but it’s a grind
What makes it unique? Interactive and changing platforms to fight on, with characters having their own special move set can change the pace of battle
Bad points? Higher level characters have unfair advantage perks, and it relies on 2v2 for the most fun
Score - 4/10

This is another side view brawler in the style of Smash but has a focus on weapon styles, with each character having 2 to pick up and choose from. It’s got some unique characters and can have very fast gameplay, it’s one of the best ones out there for fans of the style
Can I get other characters for free? Yes, but it can be a grind to get them
What makes it unique? Each character has 2 different fighting styles depending on the weapon you pick up and they’re mostly quite varied, so each character has a unique fight style
Bad points? Some moves are quite broken and can provide an unfair advantage, and the movement mechanics are very basic so it’s insanely easy to keep yourself in the arena and loop around without getting hit
Score - 7/10

Dead or Alive core heros
Both dead or alive 5 and 6 are available but my advice is to check out 5, I’ll explain why. Dead or alive, graphically, is similar to tekken and soul calibur, in the sense there’s 8 way movement and interactive arenas, but with a more complex blocking and countering system, a good player can end a match very quickly without getting hurt. There’s special moves to pull off which can make some very interesting cut scenes such as creating an environmental change or even a completely new arena to fight in, it is in my opinion the best free fighting game out there. Number 6 is very much the same, but with no graphic change and the special moves being too easy to pull off and very over the top, many of the community find 5 the superior version.
Can I get other characters for free? No
What makes it unique? With a simple button layout, the combos are insane and can be tricky to pull off, and a simple counter can change the tide of battle
Bad points? Extreme skill curve, and then having to pay for extra characters can put a dampener on things
Score - 8/10

Killer Instinct
This is well known to many old school gamers, when the Xbox one released they brought back this retro side view fighter along the style of street fighter, with a heavy emphasis on combos with some ranged attacks in there, it’s a great option for the button mashers out there who love pure chaos
Can I get other charachters for free? No
What makes it unique? From skeletons to werewolves it’s a very unique roster and each one has their own move list
Bad points? The community is quite dead, and the single player options are lacking
Score - 6/10

Some titles which are free to play have massive communities and have gone on to becoming large esports titles with several compeition pro teams, or at least tried to.
First up is Smite, this popular MOBA sets itself apart from the others by being a 3rd person view based around gods, with Hercules, poseidon, thor and others from a mix of pantheons, constant updates and an extremely large community, this is a strong recommendation for gamers who want to join the competitive scene without spending money
Is it easy to get into? Yes, to an extent, the skill levels can seriously alter the flow but it’s simple enough to get into and learn
What makes it unique? It’s one of the only MOBA’s that isn’t a top down view, and with several mythologies to get into it’s easy to find a character you like
Bad points? As with all MOBA’s, the community can be a little toxic, sometimes
Score - 8/10

Rocket League
This has become a household name and many people know it by now, it got made free to play and still dominates the gaming community. It’s a fast paced football game using rocket powered cars with crazy effects and acrobatics, simple controls and a lot of fun
Is it easy to get into? Extremely
What makes it unique? There’s not really any other games out there like this, usually 3v3 but going from solo to quads, everyone in cars they’ve designed with hundreds of customisation options causing carnage in the air and on the ground
Bad points? Some people take it way too seriously in casual matches and can ruin your day
Score - 7/10

Roller Champions
An attempt was made with this one, Ubisoft wanted in on the world of competitive sports games and gave us this roller derby/basketball hybrid which is just awful. The tutorial was fun for a minute but the game itself is just sorely lacking. A small team roller skate in a ring trying to knock each other down while passing a ball and shooting into a hoop. That is it.
Is it easy to get into? Very, just probably not worth the time.
What makes it unique? No other company has produced this activity as a competitive sports game. But there’s probably a reason for that.
Bad points? Just all of it, laggy servers, average graphics, simple gameplay, and no real motive to spend a long time playing it.
Score - 1/10

There’s a few games that don’t really seem to match the rest in genre, whether they’re a mix of them or just a rather odd blend of gaming style, there’s something for everyone.
Can’t have a list of free games without this blocky thing popping it’s head up. Roblox is notorious among the gaming community for its custom made content, user generated maps and modes and its cringe worthy godawful role play servers. If you’re a fan of obstacle courses, tycoons and other such things, it could be worth trying out, but some things are a massive red flag, such as a 40 year old man called Dave role playing as a 13 year old girl in a high school simulator. Avoid that. Don’t be like that.
Is there more to it? Definitely, hundreds of modes and maps being added often thanks to its accessibility.
What makes it unique? A mass amount of it was created by players just like you, and you can even have your own attempt at one
Bad points? The fanbase. Yes I understand it’s made for kids but there’s still some fun to be had, just maybe avoid a lot of it.
Score - 5/10

Rec Room
After the success of roblox comes Rec Room, essential the same thing but initally created in VR, now a flat console port, it’s a first person recreational center using a system of doors and portals to open up modes and maps with user created modes and content. A little more advanced than roblox and with less of the bad reputation, but that comes with less to do and a smaller variety of games.
Is there more to it? Technically yes, but due to its limitations after a while it all becomes the same thing
What makes it unique? The utilization of first person and vr makes for good activities such as climbing walls or table hockey, but the Xbox version doesn’t have that use and it becomes a button game.
Bad points? The lack of vr makes some of the games tricky to play as they weren’t altered for the controller players, while still having crossplay.
Score - 4/10

Destroy All Humans - Clone Carnage
Altough technically a dlc for destroy all humans, this stand alone expansion doesn’t require the full game. It is a 4 player online chaos mode where you team up to wreak as much havoc as possible. It can be fun, but without the base game it seems like a pointless and tiresome activity.
Is there more to it? Not at all, 6 maps, 4 players.
What makes it unique? It’s a free version of the popular Destroy All Humans game, and can give people a taste of what the single player campaign is like.
Bad points? There’s really nothing much to do, and if you have no friends to play it with, it is a pointless download.
Score - 4/10

Fishing planet.
Well, it’s pretty much what you’d expect. A fishing simulator where you can travel to several locations in the world to catch fish. It is rather intuitive, and very detailed. For fishing fans this is a great choice of game, with online tournaments and play, plenty of environments all with their own challenges and rewards, it’s not a bad way to relax if you’re into that kind of thing.
Is there more to it? Kind of, but also no. There’s a lot of content but the game itself doesn’t change.
What makes it unique? The detail and accuracy of some of the elements involved definitely show it’s more for a targeted audience, and being free means it’s a project of passion rather than popularity.
Bad points? If you don’t like fishing, this game has nothing to offer, at all. Literally nothing.
Score - 4/10

Doritos Crash Course
You may need to do some searching and web based store browsing to claim this game, if you can. This legendary title was released on the Xbox 360 in 2010 where you have your avatar run an obstacle course similar to wipe out, with paintballs, giant fans and hammers all trying to knock you off. One of the most fun Xbox arcade releases that still to this day has some fans playing.
Is there more to it? It has split screen and online play, so there’s always more to do such as beating friends or records, but in terms of content, nothing new.
What makes it unique? It’s a side view 3D platforming obstacle course with whacky challenges that get harder as it goes on, not too tricky but can cause some frustration for those going for perfect runs.
Bad points? The sequel was delisted many years ago and there’s really no extra content or much to do after you’ve finished it, it’s great for an hour or so, and you’ll keep coming back to it, but not for long.
Score - 7/10

Space Jam: A New Legacy.
We all know space jam. The basketball film. And some of us know it got a sequel. One we admittedly tried to forget, but it got one. So the film about basketball cartoon characters with some NBA appearances gets a game. Which has little to do with basketball. It’s a side scrolling beat-em-up in the same style of streets of rage, just nowhere near as good.
Is there more to it? Probably not, I’ll be honest, I did not look harder for more content, after the first few levels it seemed repetitive enough.
What makes it unique? Lebron James and Bugs Bunny teaming up, that’s quite different. Or it was until multiversus took over.
Bad points? All of it, it’s just awful. If Space Jam is a treasured memory of yours, don’t taint it by playing this.
Score - 1/10

Island Saver
British bank Natwest has helped make its own little game which was a marketing ploy cleverly disguised as a save the world adventure, where litter collection earns coins and upgrades, and you can put them in a bank to save up and earn interest. I played it for way too long before I realised this. Good game, clever gimmick, atrocious bank.
Is there more to it? Actually yes, it has the full mechanics of a traditional game, exploration, slight combat, platforming, questing.
What makes it unique? It could nearly pass as a small rpg, and altough not winning any awards for its graphics or ground breaking gameplay mechanics, it’s not a bad game.
Bad points? It is very clever the way they have made a fun game to try and lure people into banking with them. Saving the world is good, using natwest is not. Come on.
Score - 5/10

SSI:HIS Space Science Investigations Humans In Space
I feel like the title is longer than this game. This weird hybrid between moving around the space station and card based problem solving is a NASA approved educational journey about space exploration and the science involved.
Is there more to it? No, it’s very simple.
What makes it unique? It’s a great way to learn more about what our space programs do and both how and why we are up there, and extremely easy to get the full 1000g achievment boost you may need.
Bad points? Altough rather enjoyable, it is slow, and quite heavily text based, so action fans will be bored. It’s also incredibly short, I for one wanted there to be more.
Score - 4/10

Happy Wars
I feel hesitant to put this on the list, Happy Wars was absolutely fantastic, big PvP team battles using traditional fantasy archetypes fighting over territory with vast amounts of customization, this game was simple to play and a lot of fun, but it has died out and altough still active and playable, it is hard to find a game.
Is there more to it? Yes, so much customization on offer, different classes and several ways to play means there was always something new to do.
What makes it unique? Graphically it was more 3D sprites rather than a fully rendered characters we expect today, so what cartoonish and it worked, extremely well. It was one of the most fun and unique games available, for free.
Bad points? To be honest, nothing killed the game except for time. It wasn’t perfect, nothing is, but the 360 and windows 10 versions shut down, so only Xbox one and Xbox series consoles can play, and given the majority of other games out there, you can see why this has died out.
Score - 7/10

Harms Way
This was released alongside Crash Course as part of the Doritos cross over, altough this is a more serious game. A mix of driving and shooting to survive races, the only issue is that it is online only, so I’d recruit some friends to play with.
Is there more to it? No, it’s very simple and there’s no further expansions or support.
What makes it unique? Balanced perfectly between lone players and teams of driver and shooter, it does come down to pure skill regardless of how you play
Bad points? It is online only, and seeing as it is over 12 years old at the time of writing this, you won’t find a game online, it will be a case of finding people specifically to play with,
Score - 4/10

This is a standard hack and slash dungeon crawler which gets away with being free by being both episodic and at the time of release, riddled with microtransactions. Altough unnecessary as you can just rinse the first few levels again and again to get better loot, it’s just not worth it.
Is there more to it? In the same way that Diablo has more to it, there’s other ways to play and different loot, but the game itself doesn’t change.
What makes it unique? It has the whole ‘freeze time to switch character’ mechanic which can bring either a new set of challenges or really help out wherever you may feel stuck, similar to dragon age, but as a weird dungeon crawler.
Bad points? It’s just so boring. Honestly, it’s absolute trash, skip it and move on, unless you’re really really desperate.
Score - 1/10

Techwars Global Conflict
This game claims to be the first of its kind but we will let you judge that. It’s a top down PvP mech based shooter, where each battle is a part of a larger scenario, because that’s never been done before.
Is there more to it? No
What makes it unique? It’s the first game ever to be like this, which explains why it’s Facebook page has less than 70 likes and it has 0 players right now.
Bad points? Maybe the world just isn’t ready for this kind of ingenuity. Maybe it’s because when you have so many other options, we won’t settle for trash.
Score - 1/10

Well, those are the main bulk of free games you can download and play right now, several to choose from I’m sure there’s something out there for everyone, and failing that there’s always Uno. You know you have Uno.
Everyone has Uno, it came free with your Xbox.
Everyone has UNO dipshit, it came free with your fucking Xbox.
For the record - if you’re confused by that part, I’d maybe search up free uno on YouTube. Also, uno isn’t actually free. For some. If you have it, you have it already.
A Nerdy Dwarf, on behalf of XECO, good luck and have fun.
Amazing work on the article. Really appreciate all the effort you put into this 😁